We are all aware that branding will have a massive impact on the success (or the lack thereof) of any business. Not only does this concept involve visual elements such as a catchy logo, but technical considerations must also be addressed. If you are new to the online retail community, the chances are high that you have a handful of questions. This article will examine some basic strategies that are highly effective so that your talents can be focused in the right direction.

Building a Strong Foundation

One of the first steps when building any online business involves choosing the appropriate domain name and URL address. Many successful entrepreneurs prefer to work with firms that provide relevant domain names alongside additional features such as a host of unique suffixes, enhanced security protocols, and massive amounts of virtual storage space. This approach makes much more sense when compared to conceptualising a site around a domain name that has already been taken.  

Search Engines are Your Friends

Search engines such as Google and Bing obtain millions of hits each and every day. After all, they can be thought of as the “telephone books” of the 21st century. Your rankings within these engines will therefore determine how many views your website receives. So, how can you boost these rankings as soon as your site goes live? Here are some useful tips: 

  • Use relevant keywords within any written content (more on this in the next section) 
  • Display products on your homepage 
  • Make certain that all HTML coding is up to date 
  • Embed relevant and authoritative links throughout your site 

Never forget that businesses capable of being featured on the first page of a search engine will receive the lion’s share of online exposure.  

What About Keywords?

Another concept to appreciate when discussing online branding involves the keywords that you choose within written material such as product descriptions. Choosing relevant terms and phrases will offer two primary advantages. This method helps to describe what you happen to be offering to the intended audience. They also highlight your products and services to search engine crawlers. Once again, this level of clarity will result in higher listings.  

Could Less Equate to More?

Take a moment to think about some of the most memorable brands. Companies such as Nike, McDonald’s, Microsoft, and Apple may immediately come to mind. What do all of these enterprises have in common? One trait involves the relative simplicity of their logo designs. Many marketing experts will argue that minimalism is actually better at conveying what it is that you have to offer when compared to complicated imagery. Furthermore, straightforward designs tend to be more memorable; increasing brand recognition. It could therefore be a good idea to experiment with different designs until you have come across the most appropriate option.  
Online branding is just as much of a science as it is a form of art. Never be afraid to think outside the box, and feel free to implement the suggestions mentioned above. 

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