WordPress is the leading website development platform of the current times. It not only provides a strong scalable website but also supports most of the advanced eCommerce features with help of WooCommerce. But what are they worth if the WordPress website is not optimized and the whole operation goes down due to lack of organic traffic.

One of the best WordPress development companies in Canada said that they have encountered more customers that have been victims of bad optimization on their website. It usually happens when the developers don’t bother with the guidelines of Google. They make the website so bulky that it just denies cooperating with the search engines. Hence making the huge amounts bounce rate and not performing well in SERPs. To refrain from all these troubles make sure that your WordPress eCommerce store is optimized by following these Digital Marketing KPIs.

Improve URL Structure:

The URL structure is very important for digital marketing campaigns be it organic ones or paid ones. For both of the campaigns, it is necessary for the website to find the correct URL path in order to redirect the visitors to their desired product page.

WordPress by default recommends the URL structure that is not suitable for the digital marketing campaign. Most WordPress developers miss out on making customized search engine-friendly URLs. The result of their mistake is elongated URLs with no proper hierarchy eventually making the users confuse and miss out on the product that they wanted to buy.

Not making the default URLs will help you prevent index bloat, this is the only way to make the product pages accessed by a single URL. If there are multiple URLs leading to the same product page on the website, the results could be drastically different than expected. So keep the URL path simple and understandable for both the users and search engines. Also, make the popular search terms enabled, remove the .html from product URLs suffixes. This nitty-gritty can take your website to a real success level. 

Optimize Meta Tags:

Meta tags are for the search engines and their users, they help both parties understand the web pages without even clicking on the webpage. They contain information about the web pages, like the title of the page and the meta description. These meta tags are one of the most important factors for the organic CTR.

It is mandatory for the meta titles and meta descriptions to be within the pixel limit, that every device can easily handle. Also when optimizing the meta titles and meta descriptions make sure that you have placed the keyword on the rightmost position of the text. The more the keyword moves to the end of the line less significant it becomes. While optimizing the titles and meta descriptions use your creativity to the maximum and try to put in the secondary keywords along with the primary ones.

Create Unique Product Descriptions:

Product descriptions are different than meta descriptions as they define the specifications of the products and not the product web page. Most of the eCommerce websites nowadays do not manufacture the products they are selling. So, they use the product descriptions that are sent from the product manufacturer and paste them as it is on the website’s product page. The problem is that the product descriptions being sent from the manufacturer were not supposed to be read by the online customers. Most customers bounce off due to a gap in understanding the language and terminologies of the product description.

To bridge the gap between the product’s language and the customer you need to write the product descriptions yourself. While optimizing the product descriptions make sure that you search the keywords that customers use to search the respective product. By this, not only the search engines will find it more suitable for their customers but also the customers themselves will understand the lingo. Moreover, digital marketing campaigns work more effectively when the keywords and customers you are targeting get the exact intended content on your website. 

Internal Linking Structure:

Internal links are the links that are made for the users and the search engines to ease them to find similar content on other pages of the website. More the internal links that lead to contextual content on other web pages of the website more effective the digital marketing campaigns get. There are several structures that you can use for the internal linking but all of them do one thing precisely that is to ensure a hierarchy in the website.

Using a good internal structure not only helps the users to find more products that are similar to their interests but also helps them track their way back to the parent page. The element that is used to track the pages while shopping is called breadcrumbs. It uses the internal links structure and helps the users to find their way back and forth.

Benefit From Schema Markup:

Schema markup is the metadata that search engines use to understand the web pages quickly, rather than going through loads of lines of code on the page. Essentially Google uses this data to display the products in the feature snippets. Without schema markup, Google cannot display the products in the featured snippet. So in order to achieve the featured snippet first, you have to qualify for the featured snippet by adding the schema markup.

The greatest benefit of achieving the schema markup is that it jumps you to position zero of the SERPs or above the first organic result in the SERPs. When your product is displayed in the featured snippet the customers can see the price and product and can purchase right from the SERPs. This eventually gives the best CTR and conversion rate to the eCommerce website.

Significance Of Images:

Images are one of the most important factors that contribute to the conversion rate of an eCommerce website. If you have a good digital marketing campaign on the go the images will be the foremost element for the success of that campaign. To optimize the images on the webpage first and the foremost thing will be the ALT Tags of the image.

Setting ALT TAGs Of The Images:

ALT tags mean the alternate tags that we add to the images in order to help the search engines to find and understand the required images. Make sure that you use the most relatable keyword in the ALT tag of the image by doing this you will do a huge favor to the digital marketing campaign.

Now to ease the second most significant struggle with the images and their ALT tags, you can use the extensions that are made specifically for the WordPress websites’ images. It helps to put the relative ALT tags in the images at once rather than optimizing each image individually.

Images And Website Speed:

When the images and the excessive code of the WordPress website come together the website becomes slower. No matter how good your CTR is the results in conversion will always be disappointing for the slower websites. Here are some of the optimization tricks necessary for the images on a WordPress website.

Switch Hosting Providers:

If the servers on which your website is being hosted are far from your audience. The website speed will tend to stay low no matter how much you optimize your images on the website. So make sure that you have chosen the best and closest server to your target audience.

Use a CDN:

A CDN is a content delivery network as the name suggests it is made to serve the content to its users no matter from where they are accessing it. CDNs help the audience with speed and support the eCommerce website very much. If you are selling internationally or country-wide and you are having issues with the website loading speeds get more CDNs services.

Benefit From Browser Caching:

Users’ devices can store static website content through browser caching. Using this approach eliminates the need for your visitors to download the same files every time they visit your page. Using a cache reduces the number of data visitors has to download when they browse your website, which helps improve loading speeds.

Optimize The JAVA script and CSS:

The loading speed of your website will likely suffer if you force visitors’ browsers to make a lot of file requests before they’re able to fully load. Reduce the number of files your visitors have to request every time they access your website if you wish to improve your load times. Merging JavaScript and CSS files and then minifying them will accomplish this.

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abdul waheed
Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.