Apple is working hard in making iAd a major source of income for their company. A key part of their strategy is, reportedly, working to make the publishing industry of online news the same thing they did to the music industry when they launched iTunes.

How to make money by becoming an Apple News Publisher

  1. Participate in the Apple Developers Program
  2. Allow iTunes content using your Developer ID
  3. Sign up
  4. Upload your logo
  5. Select the method of publication: RSS or Apple News
  6. Select the method of creating an article
  7. Submit sample content
  8. Create articles
  9. Make money with Apple Ads on iAd

What is Apple News?

If you are publishing material that is considered newsworthy, you must be aware of Google News. The site has a comprehensive description of Google News and how to join it, and the reason why you ought to. If you are able then that’s.

In autumn the year 2015 Apple launched the News app in iOS 9. It was made available to all iPhone as well as iPad users. According to Apple approximately 40 million people utilize it.

This publishing platform is designed to deliver personalised content and news to iOS users, while blending the look and feel of the brand’s source with the modern Apple design. Naturally, the technology for monetization is Apple’s iAd which is currently used predominantly used by iOS app developers to allow app revenue.

The latest news regarding Apple News

Apple has quietly ended its beta period and opened its doors to all publishers. This means that the news publishing platform, in its Apple News format is open to all. That’s right, even you as it’s free joining.

So , before we show the steps to put your content to be featured on this feed , and before more than 80 million viewers (that’s forty million people of eyes, in case you’re thinking) Let’s discuss whether it’s worth it to put in efforts and time.

The Good, The Bad and the Potential

Google has done it through YouTube, Facebook recently introduced Instant Articles, and Amazon has expanded its reach in the book industry into the digital realm by introducing eBooks and self-publishing. It’s not surprising that Apple is keen to hop on the bandwagon and keep its content in the brand’s chest, just like all other players in the scene.

But there were some top publishers who were among the first to adopt News on Apple’s News design and format were not reluctant to express their displeasure with the platform. Certain publishers also reported low fill rates for iAds in News.

Since then, Apple has launched an new analysis dashboard specifically for publishing, however it’s apparent that it’s going to require an amount of education to convince users to choose Apple News.

(Use Apple News or Ronda Rousey will kick you!)

Should I get on join the Apple News train and hop onto it now? The answer is largely dependent on the strategy you use for mobile publishing as well as your specific content area and your readers’ devices of preference.

It’s vital to know that when your content isn’t written in English it’s not going to be able to access it. In contrast to Google, Apple is all about the English people around the world, at least as of this moment.

Joining the News Feed of Apple what you have to do is to

For the first time for the first time, you’ll require to have an Apple ID to sign up to use an account on the News Publisher web app. In addition, if you would like to make money from your website (and you can) it is necessary to activate iTunes connect to the developer’s ID.

Apple News for Publishers – A Step by Step Guide

1. Sign Up

2. Upload a Logo

The dimensions of the logo are like this:


  • The logo may contain the text alone (no pictures).
  • The type of file must be PNG.
  • The logo should be horizontal and one line only. No stacking text.
  • The text’s area is to be cropped or cut to eliminate any extra space (padding is automatically applied).

Transparency and color

  • Make use of full-color.
  • Utilize the transparent backgrounds (no fill)-a mask can be applied in certain views.
  • Text placed in a color area should be translucent.
  • The text that is highlighted should be transparent (no fill color).


  • Height at 256 pixels or less
  • Width Minimum 256 pixels; Maximum: 2560 pixels (some scaling can be seen in logos that have the maximum width)
  • Aspect ratio 10:1 max
  • File size 2 MB max.


Do not include all of these in your brand logo

  • The trademark or copyright symbol
  • Photos
  • Text for promotion or URLs
  • White text in opposition to transparency

How much does Apple News pay publishers?

Apple News is a popular news aggregator that provides users with a personalized feed of articles from various publishers. It is a great platform for publishers to reach a broader audience and generate more revenue. But the question is, how much does Apple News pay publishers?

The answer is not a straightforward one. Apple News uses an advertising-based revenue-sharing model with publishers, which means that publishers earn a portion of the revenue generated from ads displayed on their articles. The exact revenue share percentage is not disclosed publicly, but it is reported to be around 70% to 85%. This means that publishers earn 70% to 85% of the revenue generated from ads displayed on their articles, while Apple keeps the rest.

However, publishers can also choose to sell their own ads on Apple News and keep 100% of the revenue generated from those ads. This is a great opportunity for publishers to generate more revenue, but it requires them to have their own advertising team and network.

Overall, the amount that Apple News pays publishers depends on various factors, such as the number of impressions, engagement rates, and the types of ads displayed. Nonetheless, publishers can expect to earn a fair share of revenue from their articles published on Apple News.

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Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.