Are you ready to make the most of the billions of dollars people spend on views on youtube annually? Here are seven professional YouTube techniques guaranteed to bring more excellent affiliate-related sales. Make sure the cover will be noticed on a shelf, and you’ll be just one step away from becoming a bestseller.

Make sure to use eye-catching thumbnails

Making affiliate commissions out of your YouTube video is challenging if nobody is watching the videos. The thumbnail- the image displayed before the video begins to play- plays a vital role.

Imagine YouTube thumbnails like the covers of the book. If you fail to design a body that is appealing enough to be picked up, nobody will read the story inside, regardless of how great it may be.

Research the competition and determine which thumbnails are trying to beat for the viewer’s interest. If you’re making a video tutorial on coffee art (featuring an espresso machine you’ll get kickbacks from), Here’s the list of things you’ll need to do to be competitive:

A YouTube channel image that shows the quality of thumbnails for videos

Some industries are more innovative than other industries. For instance, if you’re marketing technologies, text-rich and colorful thumbnails must be noticed.

An example of Youtube thumbnail art for a video that is attractive to the eye.

Tools such as Canva and Fotor offer quality YouTube thumbnail templates that allow you to design your designs. However, some affiliate marketers discover that investing in graphic designers is worth it.

“I have always taken a search-driven and quality-first approach to my content,” says digital marketer Alex Tucker. “But during the first few months when I focused on YouTube, the click-through rate was meager (under 2 percent) because I was creating my thumbnails. I’m not a great designer.

“When I started working with a professional designer, my click-through rate jumped to over 5%, which means more than twice as many people were giving my videos a chance.”

Pro tip: Make sure to update your YouTube thumbnails frequently, mainly when your content is constantly updated. Include the year in your site’s thumbnail to prove your content’s relevance and, thus, worth clicking.

Mark the chapter with markers

Have you ever looked up a YouTube video to find out the best way to tackle the issue, only to scroll through 15 minutes of the video’s creator discussing something you do not care about? It’s like studying how a food blogger’s mom made a dish, and you only want to know how many eggs you’ll require to cook it.

Viewers will come to your YouTube channel looking for quick answers to whatever effort you make to condense your content. Help them locate them using chapter markers.

For instance, Wandering Attrayantly has made a YouTube video showcasing the items they’ve got to pack for a full year of traveling. Every section includes chapter markers. Viewers can find the chapter where the creators speak about rolling suitcases and travel backpacks without watching the entire 30 minutes of the video.

YouTube channel’s image Wandering Aimfully, using jump buttons for viewers to skip to the section of video they wish to watch

Optimize your YouTube search YouTube search

YouTube is the second most popular search engine worldwide, outshining solely Google. Users use YouTube to discover something new, have fun, or research items they consider buying.

This is a great thing that affiliate marketers can benefit from. Please find the keywords your viewers are searching for and create YouTube videos matching them there. No “please make this go viral!” wishes are required. Organic traffic can be boosted by implementing a bit of SEO.

To begin, you must find rival YouTube channels promoting similar products that you’re an affiliate of. Use the Keywords Everywhere browser extension to search for other similar terms while monitoring the volume of searches (how many people use this phrase per month) and the trend.

Video from YouTube with a keyword volume by using this tool Keywords Everywhere

After you’ve researched keywords to discover the terms your potential consumer is searching for, make sure you improve the quality of your video to increase the likelihood of it showing in results for searches.

Incorporate the keyword into the title of your video. Try to make the title as memorable as you can. The click-through rate plays a role in how your video will be ranked.

Include keywords in the video’s description. For instance, if you’re reviewing the performance of a Canon camera, naturally weave in related terms such as “Canon camera review” and “reviewing the Canon camera” in the description.

Enhance the time spent watching. The YouTube algorithm favors videos with long watch times, as they are established to keep them on the platform.

Create playlists with related content

As an affiliate marketer, the more views you get for your video more chances of earning affiliate commissions. YouTube’s playlist feature can help to do this by collating similar videos into an endless video reel.

To make a personal YouTube playlist:

Video clips from the same group.

Start each video on your browser

Hit “Save” beneath each video

Create a brand new playlist (or join the existing playlist)

Set the privacy setting to make them public.

The Wirecutter’s “working from home” playlist, For instance, the playlist has ten videos with suggestions on how to set up your office at home. Desk cleaning suggestions, Zoom tutorials, and video comparisons of chairs are included in the playlist. Each of them can be monetized through affiliate hyperlinks. Anyone looking to improve their office can purchase many items to create many videos.

Video from YouTube as part of a playlist curated for home office ideas

Create YouTube shorts

YouTube Shorts are a new feature that lets creators upload short videos in the TikTok style to their YouTube channel. Videos should be horizontal, shot using a mobile device, and under 60 seconds in length. They’re made to be quick-fire videos that viewers can flip quickly through. That’s not to say that your affiliate marketing strategy can remove them.

“YouTube Shorts won’t disappear any time near, therefore I’d recommend affiliates to use the shorts to show specific aspects of a particular item or software you’re an affiliate of. Make sure to highlight the benefits immediately and the features of the product, and then internally link to the full review video within.”

James Crabtree, Director of Complete White Label

Teeth Talk Girl is one YouTuber who makes affiliate-related content through the channel. She uploads short videos to her channel, such as this one called “Fastest Way To Whiten Teeth.” It’s only one minute long, and it includes an affiliate link within the video’s description for those wanting to purchase the whitening kit on display.

A sample YouTube video uses short videos to promote the product using an affiliate link within the description.

Embed YouTube videos into blog posts

A YouTube channel and a blog are powerful tools for marketing to promote your affiliate links.

Appeal to different audiences. Your market is likely to be comprised of various types of learning. Some prefer reading blogs, and others are more interested in watching videos. Combining both will help ensure you don’t alienate people who would purchase your products.

Get more views for your videos. Make your videos available to those looking for suggestions outside the YouTube area. For specific terms, Google’s algorithm selects YouTube videos to show up in Google results for searches.

Enhance SEO. Dwell time and time on page and bounce rates are just a few parameters that are considered when determining how a site should rank. Make them more effective by embedding videos that are relevant to your location.

Ryan Robinson does this with his YouTube tutorials on blogging. In an article that teaches readers how to begin blogging, Ryan embeds related YouTube videos, including this tutorial on how to install WordPress:

An example from YouTube affiliate marketer Ryan Robinson, creating a video tutorial on installing WordPress blog plugins.

“This not only helps the video drive more views from my own blog–and thus sends a positive signal to YouTube that it’s still getting attention online–but having the video embedded in my written guide to starting a blog also gives those readers the opportunity to watch a video version of the article they’re on,” Ryan states.

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Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.